Publications 2018
Book Chapters
"The Power of the Westphalian Myth in International Law," in W. Menezes & R.V.P.S. Gama (eds.), Paz de Westphalia: análises à luz do Direito e das Relações Internacionais, Belo Horiozonte (Brazil): Arraes Editores, 2019 (forthcoming), approx. 15 pages
"Canada – Thinking Outside the Dualist Box? Surely Not Yet!," in F.M. Palombino (ed.), Duelling for Supremacy: International Law vs. National Fundamental Principles, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018 (forthcoming), approx. 25 pages
"Canada", in M. Mercat-Bruns, D.B. Oppenheimer & C. Sartorius (eds.), Comparative Perspectives on the Enforcement and Effectiveness of Antidiscrimination Law - Challenges and Innovative Tools, Dordrecht (Netherlands): Springer, 2018, 111-128
"La mise en œuvre judiciaire des obligations internationales du Canada en matière de droits humains - Obstacles et embûches," in O.E. Fitzgerald, V. Hughes & M. Jewett (eds.), Reflections on Canada's Past, Present and Future in International Law / Réflexions sur le présent, le passé et l'avenir du Canada en matière de droit international, Waterloo: CIGI, 2018, 31-47
Working Papers